Subject: Re: Happy Easter From: Mike E Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 7:23 AM
Hi Bob, I'm in Seoul Korea this week. I'm here for work, trying to get some business. Busy, crowded, productive, friendly, social -- that's how I describe this city. Nice to visit, but I miss seeing parks or trees. It's amazing how Seoul grew so much in the last 50 years. This place was leveled after the Korean war, and it grew from ~600,000 during the war to over 10 million today. Take care. Mike
To: Michael Eberhardt Cc: Andrea Eberhardt Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 5:20:01 PM Subject: Re: Happy Easter
Mike & Family Thanks for Easter Videos... I attended Easter Sunrise Services in Montrose, Iowa April 12, 2009.. Truely a memorable experience for Bob who enjoyed the forgiveness and rebirth themes of service.. Speaker told A tale of forgiveness by her Mom who's daughter ( speaker's sister ) was killed in an accident and then the party who caused the accident was revisted years later by speaker to see if they had forgiven themselves. They had not...
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--- On Sat, 4/11/09, Michael Eberhardt wrote:
From: Michael Eberhardt Subject: Happy Easter Date: Saturday, April 11, 2009, 10:36 PM