Friday, November 28, 2008

Vipassana Meditation

With a sharpened awareness one proceeds to observe the changing nature of body and mind, and experiences the universal truths of impermanence, suffering and egolessness. This truth-realization by direct experience is the process of purification. The entire path (Dhamma) is a universal remedy for universal problems, and has nothing to do with any organized religion or sectarianism. For this reason, it can be practiced freely by everyone, at any time, in any place, without conflict due to race, community or religion, and it will prove equally beneficial to one

To: Robert Graef
Course: 2008/12/03 - 2008/12/14

Dear Robert,

Thank you very much for your application.  Please find attached a letter requesting some additional information, for you and your doctor or therapist to complete and return to us at your convenience.  Once we have received this information, we will be able to continue processing your application.

Please note that the course for which you applied has a waiting list.  Should we not be able to accommodate you for this course, we will be happy to move your enrollment to another date that fits your schedule.

Best wishes,

Illinois Vipassana Meditation Center