Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Table is Set for ThanksGiving 1957

Family has Thanksgiving at Grandma Rickey's 428 E Jefferson Iowa City in 1957 .. Bette Graef helps set the table

Mom and Dad serves the Turkey

There always was a lot of turkey for us , Thanks Fred and Jean for taking us to grandma's house

Grandpa Lorin Rickey Thanksgiving 1957

In 1957 it was a custom to
have a home cooked meal.
But it was a different time then

Grandma Rickey was a great cook
lots of pies and special salads

Thanks, Grandma Rickey
for all those Holiday Meals

Bob Graduated Iowa City High 1957

1957 Was a year packed with Big Events
that will change what happens at 1307 Rochester

Bobby Says ...Welcome 1307 Rochester Ave

1307 Rochester Ave
Graef Family Home in 1957

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Don't Worry about Me.. I'm Ok ....

Album Created by Bob for early Photos ..
Most orginal photos in this blogg are found here