Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Comparison Photos of Beverly Graef and Lia Burris

Picture below is of my sister Beverly Graef about 1962..
Amazing .. how much you look a like
Thanks to all the information about your family history
Will post e-mails to Graef Historical Group http://graef-family.blogspot.com/ in the next day or so.
Much Love to your family

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 2:43 PM
Subject: My pic from Lia

Hi here is my Highschool pic. Ignore the hair My sister curled it and plastered it with a can of hair spray. My hair is normally fairly straight in a pony tail. It got darker brown as I got older and I consider my hair inherited from my Dad directly. Also the tip of my nose is like my dads. Everyone says I look like my mom at every reunion of my Dads. I have her face shape and her cheekbones and her type of eyes.
Love, Lia

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